Day 7: #SunriseProject

April 2, 2020
Sunrise: 6:44am
Photo taken from County Highway 5 in Tabernash, Colorado at 7:15am.

We had a visitor today.


David saw it way down the road and made the comment, “Wouldn’t it be cool if the fox walked right into your photo?”

I was doubtful that would ever happen.

But it DID!

I wasn’t ready for it. None of my camera settings were set to photograph a moving object.

Heck, I almost missed the fox all together because I was looking at the sunrise!

After the fox left, we continued shooting, and about 30 minutes later, a snowshoe hair comes roaring down the road, running as fast as it can.

It was being chased by the fox.

We didn’t get a picture of that, but it was pretty funny.


Day 8: #SunriseProject


Day 6: #SunriseProject