Day 40: #SunriseProject

May 5, 2020
Sunrise: 5:57am
Photo taken from Windy Gap in Granby, Colorado at 6:25am.

It was completely clear this morning.

Not a single cloud in the sky.

The challenge with photographing the sunrise on clear days is that if you point your camera at the sun, you get blinded, everything gets washed out, and the final result looks meh.

(Which is a completely different result than if you were shooting directly into the sun coming up over the ocean.)

So on days like today, we choose to shoot the sunrise rising over the mountains.

If there is a body of water in the shot, great.

And if there is a goose coming in for a landing too, that’s even better.

(And we saw some elk on the way home!)


Day 41: #SunriseProject


Day 39: #SunriseProject